How do I Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Messaging and Notifications?

If you have decided you would no longer like to receive messaging on the Play Gun Lake App or Website, then follow the directions below.


What can players unsubscribe from

Players can only unsubscribe from certain types of messages. They are:

  • Non-Promotional Messaging

  • Promotional Messaging

Non-Promotional / Promotional Messaging Unsubscribe

Players can unsubscribe from Push Notifications and Emails in various ways

  • My Account

    • Utilizing the toggles in the account profile will limit the messaging for both Non-Promotional and Promotional Messaging

      • Limit Account Notifications via E-Mail Toggle will supersede the Unsubscribe from Promotional offers Toggle

      • NOTE: If a player has “Sign up for promotional offers” toggled ON and the “Limit Account Notifications” toggled ON they WILL NOT receive promotional or non-promotional messaging

Non-Promotional / Promotional Messaging Unsubscribe CONT.

  • Through a promotional email

    • This only lets the player unsubscribe from promotional and non-promotional emails                                                                                                                                            

    • By clicking unsubscribe in a promotional email they will be brought to an unsubscribe page

    • This page gives them options on how long to unsubscribe for

  • Upon Registration

    • When a player registers a NEW account they are prompted to sign up for promotional emails.

  • Downloading the App

    • When a player launches the app for the first time after downloading, they will receive a pop up asking them if they would like to receive notifications from the app

  • App Settings

    • After initial launch of the app, the player can go to their device settings to turn on or off notifications


Limit Account Notifications (See image below)

What does this do?

  • When a player signs up, this will default to be toggled off

  • If a player toggles it on and hits submit, they will no longer receive:

    • Promotional Messaging via e-mail                    

    • Non-Promotional Messaging via e-mail                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  • If a player has "Do NOT send updates by e-mail address" turned on, and they also have "Opt in to receive promotional offers by email" turned on, then they WILL NOT receive any promotional or non-promotional messaging.